Economic Research Guide
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1郭铭华.论母语在外语课上的作用[J].外语与外语教学,2002(4):24-27. 被引量:259
2杨自俭.再谈“两张皮”问题[J].外语与外语教学,2001(10):29-33. 被引量:15
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8Friedlander, Alexander. Composing in English: effects of a first language on writing in English as a second language[J]. In Second Language Writing-Research Insights for the classroom[M]. Barbara Kro[l (Ed.),109-125. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1990.
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10Kroll, Barbara. What does time buy? ESL student performance on home versus class compositions[J]. In Second Language Writing- Research Insights for the classroom [ M ]. Barbara Kroll ( Ed. ), 140-154.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1990.
3陈玫.分析大学英语写作中语篇连贯性的有效途径——主位推进模式[J].山东外语教学,2005,26(6):69-73. 被引量:17
4康晋.英语写作中汉语对词汇的负迁移现象[J].国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报),2008(S1):50-52. 被引量:2
7余清萍.英语写作教学中反馈方法的研究[J].广西教育学院学报,2009(2):74-79. 被引量:5
10吴彦.英语写作中的错误及有效的批改方法[J].新乡教育学院学报,2005(4):63-64. 被引量:3
1李红.大学生英语写作常见错误归类分析[J].当代教育论坛(学科教育研究),2006(8):120-121. 被引量:2
2Kristina Toutanova, Dan Klein, Christopher D Manning, et al. Feature-rich part-of-speech tagging with a cyclic dependency network [ C ] JJ Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2003. Los Angeles, California: Association for Computa- tional Linguistics, 2003, 1: 173-180.
3Ana Dmz-Negrillo, Detmar Meurers, Salvador Valera, et al. Towards interlanguagepos annotation for effective learner corpora in sla and fh [ J ]. Language Forum, 2010, 36: 1-15.
4Mitchell Marcus, Beatrice Santorini, Mary Ann Marcink- iewicz. Building a large annotated corpus of English: the penn treebank [ J ]. Computational Linguistics, 1993, 19: 313-330.
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7Peter F. Brown, Peter V. Desouza, Robert L. Mercer, et al. Vincent J. Della Pietra, and Jenifer C. Lai. Class- based n-gram models of natural language [ J]. Computa- tional Linguistics, 1992,18 (4) : 467-479.
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10Adwait Ratnaparkhi. A maximum entropy model for part-of-speech tagging [ C ] // Proceedings of EMNLP 1997. Honolulu, Hawaii: Association for Computational Linguistics, 1996, 1: 133-142.
2谭咏梅,杨一枭,杨林,刘姝雯.基于LSTM和N-gram的ESL文章的语法错误自动纠正方法[J].中文信息学报,2018,32(6):19-27. 被引量:8
3梁珊.基于英语语义分析的智能算法研究[J].微型电脑应用,2020,36(10):110-112. 被引量:2
2王晶伟.初中语文作文教学浅谈[J].中国科教创新导刊,2012(3):103-103. 被引量:3
3田蓉辉.艺术设计专业毕业论文写作教学的思考[J].大众文艺(学术版),2010(8):257-258. 被引量:5
4杨林.初中英语阅读课中的词汇教学[J].成才之路,2015,0(7):62-62. 被引量:1
5肖洋.提高高职工商管理专业学生毕业论文质量的方法[J].职业时空,2009,5(3):129-130. 被引量:1
10郭丽.留学生同音字习得情况简析——基于对24篇留学生作文语料的分析[J].科教文汇,2011(5):83-84. 被引量:2