
针刺同一解剖节段不同经络穴位的脑功能磁共振成像研究 被引量:9

Acupuncture at the acupoints of different meridians at the same anatomy level: a study with functional magnetic resonance imaging
摘要 目的应用磁共振成像技术比较针刺同一解剖节段不同经络的神门穴和养老穴脑功能激活情况。方法收集12例健康志愿者,实验采用组块刺激模式(静息阶段与刺激阶段交替出现,重复3次,每个阶段持续60 s),按照随机配对数字表,分别手法捻转行针针刺右侧的神门穴、养老穴(捻转角度180,频率1.5 Hz),使用SPM2对扫描后图像进行后处理以观察激活图、激活区的差别。结果在校正像情况下(组分析,FWE,0.05,K≥10),神门穴主要激活了右侧额叶的中央后回BA2、BA1,左侧额叶的额下回BA47和中央后回BA43;养老穴主要激活了左顶叶的顶下小叶BA40,右侧额下回BA45、BA46。结论针刺同一解剖节段不同经络的神门穴和养老穴后脑激活区不同,但激活脑区的功能与智能相关,这可能与相关经络的循行及脏腑联系密切相关。 Objective To investigate the response of the specific brain functional areas of normal human to acupuncture at the acupoints of different Meridians at the same anatomy level.Methods Twelve healthy young volunteers were enrolled in this research and functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) scans were taken randomly in a block design.During the stimulation phase,an acupuncture needle inserted in right Shenmen(HT7) or Yanglao(SI6) was twirled at an angle of 180° and a frequency of about 1.5 Hz.The collected images were analyzed using SPM2 for exploring the inter-group differences in blood oxygen level dependent(BOLD) responses.Results Increases in BOLD signal(group analysis,corrected,0.05,K≥10) were found mainly in the right ostcentral gyrus of the frontal lobe(BA2,BA1,BA43) and left inferior frontal gyrus(BA47) by acupuncture at HT7,and chiefly in the left inferior parietal lobule(BA 40) and right inferior frontal gyrus(BA 45,BA 46) by acupuncture at SI6.Conclusion Acupuncture of HT7 and SI6 elicits different BOLD responses in some related cerebral regions correlative with cognition.
出处 《南方医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1363-1365,1372,共4页 Journal of Southern Medical University
关键词 针刺 穴位 经络 功能磁共振成像 acupuncture acupoints meridian functional magnetic resonance imaging
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