
亚临床酮病奶牛血浆Leptin的动态变化研究 被引量:2

Dynamic Changes in Plasma Leptin Levels in Dairy Cow with Subclinical Ketosis
摘要 为了解亚临床酮病奶牛血浆Leptin(瘦素)水平及其动态变化特点,分别对15头荷斯坦奶牛分娩前后血浆Leptin和酮体水平进行动态监测,并根据酮体水平检测结果进行综合分析。结果表明,15头荷斯坦奶牛中检出4头亚临床酮病奶牛,发病率为26.7%;亚临床酮病奶牛平均血浆Leptin水平(0.73±0.75 ng/mL)极显著低于非酮病组(2.06±1.64 ng/mL);与非酮病奶牛比较,亚临床酮病奶牛血浆Leptin水平在产后8周内的动态变化呈低频率变化,而与产前数据比较,亚临床酮病奶牛的波幅变化明显大于非酮病奶牛;亚临床酮病奶牛血浆Leptin和酮体水平的动态变化基本一致,揭示了酮病发生的潜在机理。 In order to investigate the plasma leptin levels and its dynamic change characteristics in dairy cow with subclinical ketosis,fifteen dairy cows before and after parturition were randomly chosen and the leptin and ketone bodies levels in blood plasma were determined dynamically.The dairy cows were divided into 2 groups e.g.subclinical ketosis(SK) and non subclinical ketosis(NSK) according to blood plasma ketone bodies level.The results showed out of 15 dairy cows,4 cows suffered from SK with 26.7 % of morbidity.The average blood plasma leptin level in SK group(0.73±0.75 ng/mL) was very significantly lower than that in NSK group(2.06±1.64 ng/mL).Comparing with NSK group,the blood plasma leptin level of dairy cow in SK group showed a lower frequency change within 8 weeks after parturition.Compared to the data obtained before parturition,the change range in leptin level of dairy cow in SK group was higher than that of NSK group.Furthermore,the dynamic change in blood plasma leptin level of dairy cow in SK group was found to be similar with that of ketone bodies.This character may be related to the pathogenesis of ketosis in dairy cows.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期881-884,共4页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30960294 30660134) 广西自然科学基金项目(桂科自0832041)
关键词 奶牛 Leptin(瘦素) 酮体 亚临床酮病 Dairy cow Leptin Ketone bodies Subclinical ketosis
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