
利用特异引物和直接测序法鉴定圆鼻巨蜥和孟加拉巨蜥 被引量:2

Application of Species-specific PCR Primers and DNA Sequencing in the Forensic Identification of Two Monitors
摘要 利用特异引物扩增法和直接测序法对圆鼻巨蜥Varanus salvator和孟加拉巨蜥Varanus bengalensis进行了物种鉴定。设计通用引物和特异引物扩增COI基因部分序列,根据电泳结果和产物的blast比对结果,成功鉴定两种巨蜥,并对这两种方法的使用范围进行了探讨,解决了实际执法中两种巨蜥物种鉴定的需要。 In the paper, two species of monitors, Varanus salvator and Varanus bengalensis, were identified using two methodologies of species-specific PCR primers and DNA sequencing. Partial fragments of the COI gene were amplified from two monitor lizards using universal primers and species-specific primers. The results showed that species-specific primers and universal primers could be applied in distinguishing the two monitors. In addition, the applicable condition of the two identification methodologies were discussed. These methodologies satisfy the needs of species identification for police cracking down on smuggling.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期590-592,共3页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 广东省自然科学基金 广东省科学院优秀青年科技人才基金 广东省野生动物保护和利用公共实验室基金
关键词 物种鉴定 巨蜥 COI基因 特异引物 DNA测序 species identification monitor lizard COI gene species-specific primers DNA sequencing
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