
VBLAST系统中检测技术的研究 被引量:2

Investigations on the Detecting Techniques for VBLAST System
摘要 首先研究VBLAST系统中几种经典串行干扰抵消算法(SIC),包括QR检测算法,ZF检测算法和MMSE检测算法.在此基础之上,分析和比较了一种改进的检测算法,改进算法主要采用最大似然检测(ML)和串行干扰抵消(SIC)相结合的方法,目标是有效的减少传播误差,从而以少量的复杂度换取误比特性能的提高.分析和仿真结果表明,与经典检测算法相比,改进算法能够很大程度改善系统的误比特率. In this paper, firstly classical detecting techniques including QR detecting method, zero forcing (ZF) detecting method and minimum mean square error (MMSE) detecting method has been investigated. On the basis of which, several modified detecting methods have been analyzed and compared, which mainly integrates maximum likelihood (ML) detecting method with successive interference cancellation (SIC) with the purpose of effectively reducing the propagation error. Therefore, error performance can be improved with sacrificing little calculation complexity. Analysis and simulation results show that modified detecting method can achieve better error performance compared with classical detecting algorithms.
作者 吴刚
出处 《河北工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第3期56-59,72,共5页 Journal of Hebei University of Technology
关键词 VBLAST 经典检测算法 干扰抵消 改进检测算法 传播误差 VBLAST classical detecting method interference cancellation modified detecting method propagation error
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