

A Review of Da Dai's Book of Rites(Da Dai Li Ji):a Discussion on Ancient Classics and Imperial Examinations
摘要 清代是《大戴礼记》研究的高峰期。自戴震、卢文弨等相继校订后,有关它的专书研究和专篇研究佳构迭出。清代学者对《大戴礼记》的经典价值进行了广泛、深入的挖掘,并有了新的认识,普遍认为不仅材料可补载籍之阙,可证传统经典笺疏,而且与早期儒家理念、与"三礼"相表里,尤其《曾子》十篇与《孝经》完全一致,地位远在《大学》《中庸》之上。因此,《大戴礼记》作为儒学经典的地位不容置疑,历代以来将其视为正经附录的做法颇失公允。也正是因此,宋代以来有关《大戴礼记》"列为十四经"的说法,有无史实根据并不重要,重要的是它完全可以而且应该成为"十四经"之一,受到重视和表彰。借助科举这根指挥棒,《大戴礼记》逐渐受到士子的关注,有关它的基础性知识也逐渐得到普及。 Qing Dynasty witnessed the peak in the research of Da Dai's Book of Rites(Da Dai Li Ji). Since it was re-edited by DAI Zhen and LU Wen-chao,an avalanche of well-composed monographs and theses specializing in its research had been published. The scholars in Qing Dynasty made extensive and profound exploration into its values as a classic and came up with some new cognition. They commonly maintained that Da Dai's Book of Rites played a complementary role vis-a-vis the early Confucianism and the "Three Li" of Zhou Li,Yi Li and Li Ji,as well as making up for the absence of some historical records and proving or disproving the textual annotations to the traditional classics. Especially the subsection of Zeng Zi in Da Dai's Book of Rites,including 10 separate pieces,was identical to Book of Filial Piety (Xiao Jing) in its tenets and was far superior to The Great Learning (Da Xue) and The Doctrine of the Mean (Zhong Yong) in importance. Therefore,the status of Da Dai's Book of Rites as a classic is beyond doubt while it was unfair to have dismissed it as an appendix to orthodox Confucian classics through the successive dynasties. Just for the same reason,no matter whether it is reasonable or not that Da Dai's Book of Rites should be "positioned as the 14th Confucian classic",which has been suggested since Song Dynasty,what really counts is that it definitely deserves any tribute it should receive. By dint of the baton of Imperial Examinations,Da Dai's Book of Rites enjoyed growing attention of Chinese ancient scholars and the basics of the book had gradually permeated around.
作者 孙显军
出处 《南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第2期111-115,127,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 江苏省社会科学基金项目(09LSD015)
关键词 经学史 清代学术 《大戴礼记》 礼学 科举 “十四经” the History of Confucian Classics Study Scholarism in Qing Dynasty Da Dai's Book of Rites Study of Rites Imperial Examinations "Fourteen Confucian Classics"
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