
EPCGen2标准下安全的RFID认证协议 被引量:5

Secure RFID Authentication Protocol for EPCGen2
摘要 现有的许多无线射频识别(RFID)协议或者不符合EPC Class-1 Gen-2(EPCGen2)标准的要求,或者存在某种安全隐患。通过对RFID协议安全需求的讨论,以及对近来提出的符合EPCGen2标准的安全协议的分析,提出了符合EPCGen2标准的RFID认证协议的设计原则,设计了一个新的符合EPCGen2标准的RFID认证协议。新的协议满足双向认证、匿名、不可追踪、抗假冒攻击、抗重放攻击等安全需求。 Many of the existing protocols for radio frequency identification (RFID) either do not conform to the EPC Class-1 Gen-2 (EPCGen2) standards or suffer from security flaws. Safety requirements for RFID protocols were discussed and recently proposed EPCGen2 compliant cryptographic protocols were analyzed, and the design principles of EPCGen2 compliant authentication protocols were given. A new RFID authentication protocol based on the EPCGen2 standards was also proposed. The new protocol provides mutual authentication, anonymity, untraceability, anti-impersonation attack and anti-replay attack.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期115-117,共3页 Computer Science
基金 河南省科技攻关计划项目(102102210432)资助
关键词 无线射频识别 认证协议 攻击 安全 Radio frequency identification, Authentication protocol, Attack, Security
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