
当前泰国中产阶层的政治表达和政党倾向 被引量:3

Political Voice and Partisanship of the Middle Class in Contemporary Thailand
摘要 本文从阶层分析的角度,利用泰国公众价值观调查(WVS)数据,通过统计建模来分析当前泰国社会各阶层(尤其是中产阶层)的政治表达和政党倾向,并与劳工(农民)阶层进行比较。数据分析结果显示了政治表达方面的社会分层状况,即中产阶层比其他阶层更热衷于参与政治;在党派倾向方面,自我认同的社会中上层明显偏向于民主党,但客观的中产阶层在民主党和他信派政党之间并没有显著的差别;研究还发现选民的党派倾向尤其强烈,缺乏妥协和包容的民主素养,泰国的政党政治还有很长的路要走。 By using the WVS data, this paper attempts to investigate the political voices and partisanship of the different social groups in contemporary Thailand from the perspective of class analysis, with emphasis on the middle class and on the comparison between the middle and the working classes. The results of statistical analyses present a stratified pattern of political voices in the country: Thai middle class are more likely than the working class and peasants to participate in varied aspects of political voices. As to partisanship, the data analyses show that, in terms of subjective class, the upper-middle class tends to support the Democratic Party whilst the middle-lower and working classes are more likely to support pro-Thaksin party. However, the middle class in terms of objective division are not found with statistically significant distinction from the working and peasant classes across the items of partisanship. The results also demonstrate that the contemporary Thais are with strong sense of partisanship regardless of their favoured party and of their class origins. This can be one of the plausible interpretations to the country's political instability over time in the recent years.
作者 孔建勋
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2010年第2期8-14,共7页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
关键词 泰国 中产阶层 政治表达 政党倾向 Thailand middle class political voice partisanship
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