
国际贸易政策中的原产地规则——文献综述 被引量:1

The Rules of Origin in International Trade Policies: A Literature Review
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,世界各国日益倾向于通过缔结或参加区域贸易安排(RTA)以实现区域内自由贸易来加快本国经济的发展和福利的改善。原产地规则作为一种重要的贸易管理措施,是决定RTA能否顺利实现的一个关键性问题。本文对原产地规则的主要理论研究和实证分析进行了归纳和对比,并指出进一步研究和拓展的方向。 Since 1990s, most countries of the world tend to participate in some kinds of regional trade arrangement (RTA), aiming to achieve free trade liberalization and raise their welfare. Rules of origin, as an instrument of international trade policies, is crucial to the success of the RTA. This paper surveys both the theoretical studies and empirical analyses of rules of origin, and suggests some directions for further research.
作者 陈旭
出处 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 2010年第4期52-57,72,共7页 Journal of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics
关键词 原产地规则 理论研究 实证分析 rules of origin theoretical studies empirical analyses
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