In this paper,genetic variation of seven populations of Octopus variabilis in China coastal waters were investigated by applying mitochondrial gene sequencing technology.Results showed that,compared with other cephalopod species,O.variabilis showed higher genetic diversity.Seventy-four polymorphic sites were detected in 635bp aligned sequence,which represented for 11.7% of the total length of the sequenced COI gene.Twenty-five haplotypes were detected out of 108 individuals from these seven populations.The haplotype diversity (H),the mean nucleotide diversity (Pi) and the average number of nucleotide differences (K) reached 0.342—0.934,0.0008—0.0055 and 0.483—3.495,respectively.Molecular variance analysis revealed a strong genetic structure in these O.variabilis populations (P0.05).A pattern of genetic-isolation-by-distance,conforming to the Stepping Stone Model,was detected when Nm was plotted against geographic distance.According to the UPGMA phylogenetic tree,these O.variabilis populations can be divided into three lineages.One lineage is consisted of the Dalian,the Yantai,the Qingdao,the Lianyungang and the Zhoushan population;the other one of the Wenzhou population;and the third one of the Xiamen population.Among these lineages,14—59 fixed nucleotide sites and 2 fixed amino acid sites substitute along the gene sequence and coded protein were detected.The Fst between them reached 0.8858 (P0.01),and the Nm between them turned out to be much lower than 1.The genetic distance among the Xiamen lineage and other two lineages reached 0.086—0.098,indicating that they are different subspecies.The benthic lifestyle of O.variabilis and complicated geohistorical factors from pleistocence may influence the genetic differentiation of O.variabilis.These findings of genetic variation of O.variabilis will contribute to better exploitation and refined management of this precious cephalopod resource along the China coast in future.
Oceanologia Et Limnologia Sinica