
注射成型可视化研究 被引量:4

Visualization Technology of Injection Molding
摘要 介绍了注射成型可视化技术的发展、原理、可视化模具、研究注射成型波流痕缺陷中的应用,可以帮助了解注射成型技术和注射成型典型缺陷,提高制品质量。 The development and principles and mold of the visualization technology and flow mark defect in the injection molding were introduced. It will be give a comprehensive understanding of the visualization technology in the injection molding.
出处 《模具制造》 2010年第7期43-47,共5页 Die & Mould Manufacture
关键词 注塑成型 可视化 模具 缺陷 波流痕 injection molding visualization technique mold defect flow mark
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