首先必须说明的是,这次的试驾与之前进行的数十上百km的试驾无法相比。或许以一种浅尝辄止的方式对待"2010年度卡车"(Truck of the Year)确实不太公平,但正如其让人过目不忘的前脸造型一样,斯堪尼亚全新R470就是这样一款令人一见倾心的车型。虽然试驾的时间很短,但这不会影响我对这款车的判断,也应该不会影响大家通过本文了解斯堪尼亚全新R系列卡车。无论是外观内饰还是驾驶感受,从接触它的第一分钟开始,就可以得出结论:这的确是一辆超级卡车。
Though it wasn’t a long time experience of driving, I did not think it would have much influence on my judge on this new model truck, which eventually would not mislead readers to learn the new Scania R-series of heavy-duty truck. I immediately made my conclusion the first minute I held its wheel, from exterior design and interior decoration, to driving experience that it was truly a super truck.
Commercial Vehicle