
基于时间自动机模型的测试用例生成方法优化 被引量:2

Improvement on method of test cases generation based on timed automata
摘要 为了减少测试产生、执行、存储以及维护测试用例的代价,提出了一种基于时间自动机模型的测试用例生成方法的优化技术。针对实时系统中不同的时间尺度,为了加快基于模型的测试用例生成的速度,通过对原时间自动机模型的结构进行改进,对这类实时系统进行测试产生优化。实验结果表明,优化后产生的测试用例集的大小及所用时间相对于优化之前有较大程度的约减,为进一步减少测试执行的时间,提高测试效率,加快软件开发进程提供了可行的解决途径。 To reduce the cost of test generating,executing,storing and maintaining these test cases,a technique of improvement on a method of test cases generation based on timed automata is proposed.To speed up model based test cases generation for real-time system of different time scales,a test generation optimization is used to these real-time systems by making a mutation to the timed automata.Experiments show that after improvement the size and time consumption of the set of generated test cases are significantly reduced com-pared to a naive model,and would be one effective way to reduce the execution time of a test suite,promote test efficiency and speed up the course of software development.
作者 范素娟 庄雷
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2765-2768,共4页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学研究基金项目(2008A520024)
关键词 测试用例生成 模型检测 时间自动机 实时系统 状态空间爆炸 加速 test case generation model checking timed automata real-time system state-space exploration acceleration
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