Objective:To investigate the caries status and evaluate the caries activity in deciduous teeth of children in Macao,as well as analyze their relationship. Research outcome will fill the local data blank. Method:930 children of 2~4 year-old from two kindergartens with relative difference in living environment and economic condition were enrolled in this study. The caries status were checked and recorded. SCAT test were done in 910 children which is graded according to acid production power of dental plaque. Caries prevalence,dft,CSI ( caries severity index)and SCAT results were analysized. Result:①.Total caries prevalence,mean dft and CSI were 42.5 %,1.93 and 6.35 of 930 children of 2~4 year-old without gender difference(P 0.05).②.There was statistical difference among different age groups in caries prevalence,dft,CSI.③. There was statistical difference between two kindergartens in caries prevalence,dft,CSI. ④.SCAT result:68.68 % of 910 children were graded 0 and 1 degree while 31.32 % of them graded 2 and 3 degree. ⑤.There was statistical difference in SCAT results of children between two kindergartens.⑥ .Statistically differences were found in caries prevalence,dft and CSI among SCAT degree groups. The correlations were also found between SCAT and dft or CSI. Conclusion:①.Caries status of children in Macao would not be neglected. It indicated that caries prevention should be carried out in children of younger age. ②.Living conditions of children will be a risk factor to caries status. Popularization of dental knowledge,better oral health and regular caries prevention are necessary. ③.SCAT test might reflect the caries susceptibility. It will be useful in screening caries high-risk group of children and carrying out targeted caries prevention programs in an economic and effective way.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology
deciduous teeth
caries activity