Since the absorption band and band gap of conjugated polymer donor materials are the major factors to affect the power conversion efficieny(PCE) of polymer solar cells(PSCs),in order to predict absorption band and band gap for guiding the synthesis of novel materials with broader absorption band and smaller band gap for improving the photovoltaic properties of the conjugated polymers,quantum-chemical techniques were applied to calculate the absorption spectra and band gaps of benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene(BDT) with different conjugated units.The ground-state(So) structures of the molecules studied here were optimized using the Kohn-Sham density functional theory(DFT) with 6-31G~* basis set and the Becke three parameter hybrid exchange-correlation functional known as B3LYP.The ability of applied time-dependent density functional theory(TD-DFT) to predict the near-infrared absorption spectrum and excitation energy(E_g) of benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene(BDT).Δ_(H-L)and E_g values of each polymer are obtained by extrapolating those of the oligomers to the inverse chain length equal to zero(1/n=0).The calculated results in polymer are in good agreement with experiment results,and the results provide some useful references to control band gap and absorption band of conjugated polymers.
Computers and Applied Chemistry
supported by the scientific Research Fund of HunanProvincial Education Deparfment(09A091)~~