

Standardization instruction language in psychological nursing affects in front of the operating room technique
摘要 通过820例围手术期病人的心理护理,对病人常见的九种心理问题:担心疼痛、担心主刀医生技术及手术效果、要求关心照顾、担心疾病的性质、担心室温、担心愈后、要求保留脏器、术中不要输血、担心经济,我们逐一进行认真、正确的解释指导,从而获得了患者的理解和信任,解除或减轻了病人术前紧张情绪,保证了手术的顺利进行,收到了较为满意的效果。 Encircles surgery time patient's psychological nursing through 820 examples, to patient common nine kind of psychol- ogy question:After worried the ache, worry chief surgeon doctor technical and the surgery effect,the request care attendance,the worry disease nature, the worry room temperature, the worry, in the request retention internal organs, the technique do not have to transfuse blood, the worry economy, we one by one carry on earnestly, the correct explanation instruction, thus has obtained patient's understanding and the trust,relieved or reduced in front of the patient technique the tense mood ,had guaranteed the surgery carried on smoothly,has received a more satisfactory effect.
作者 王倩
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2010年第17期76-77,共2页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 规范化 指导语 术前 心理护理 作用 In front of standardized Instruction language Technique Psychological nursing Function
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