The third lumbar vertebra suddenly synthesizes drafts is horizontally common pain in waist and lower extremities disease,sees by the Chinese youth strongbaek,often not interferes with the work and the daily life because of the long treatment,but although with partial therapies and so on seal, acupuncture and moxibustion, massage, physical therapy may alleviate the symptom easily to recur. The author -2009 year in January outpatient service chooses 76 example third lumbar vertebra from January,2007 suddenly to synthesize horizontally drafts the patient, separately gives the small needle knife loose solution to unify the acupuncture point injection,the heat sensitization moxibustion treatment and the galvano--acupuncture conducts the stochastic comparison re- search,the observation makes a follow--up visit the patient symptom symptom improvement as well as the ache alleviation degree comes the quality synthetic evaluation two methods the curative effects ,presently reports as follows.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
The needle knife unifies the acupuncture point injection Heat sensitization moxibustion treatment Third lumbarvertebra suddenly to synthesize horizontally drafts