The paper is focused on the study of the risks of the ro-ro passenger-ship terminals' operational system based on a fuzzy hierarchical analysis process. As is known, water transportation of passengers is one of the key traffic means in Dalian City, but the ro-ro passenger ship terminals' operation still remains in the preliminary stage of development. So, this paper has first of all introduced the safety assessment of the to-to passenger ship terminal' s operation and then the fuzzy analysis hierarchy proeess(FAHP) method. Whereas it is necessary to point out the deficiencies of the traditional comprehensive assessment methods and the superiority of Ro-ro passenger ship terminals' operation, we do believe that it is absolutely necessary to see the underlying potential risks or hazardous factors existing for its applications in China's ro-ro passenger ship harbors. For example, with regard to the relevant safe affairs that are likely to take place in th ro-ro passenger ship harbor' s operation process, such as the passengers' dropping or drowning, vehicles' collision, dangerous chemicals leakage which may be brought into the harbor area secretly, as well as the accidents with the ship berthing or leaving the harbor unexpectedly. To eliminate such unexpected liabilities with the ro-ro passenger ship terminal's operation, we have proposed the analysis steps for the application of the method. Taking the actual operation conditions of Dalian's ro-ro passenger ship terminals for example, in case the single ranking weight and the total weight of the elements in each layer were given, it would be possible to analyze and work out the danger- ous and negative factors for the smooth transportation through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The accident prevention measures, which should be taken along with the safety operation system based on "the comprehensive passenger-vehicle-track-safety management" in an emergency rescue system, have also been put forward. With the analysis results of the FAHP, it can be thought that the safety checklist analysis method we have brought about will be likely to be put into actual application to identify the hazards in the ro-ro passenger ship terminal' s operation based on the criterions. Thus, it can be seen that the research work specified in this paper is expected to be taken as a reference to the research of the ro-ro passenger ship terminal safety operation status at least at home for the time being.
Journal of Safety and Environment
: safety control
ro-ro passenger ship terminal
safety assessment I
fuzzy analysis hierarchy process (FAHP)
accident prevention countermeasure