
身体叙事及色情文学的性别倾向批判 被引量:6

The Body Narration and the Criticism to the Tendency of Sex Discrimination in the Erotic Literature
摘要 身体是性别文化的载体,男作家关于女性的身体叙事往往呈现了男性对女性肉身的"窥视",情色意味较浓。而女作家的身体叙事则往往与女性自身的整体存在密切相关,强调的是一种复杂的情感与意义的表达,呈示了审美体验的身体性,是一种非"私人化"的"集体型叙述声音";传统色情文学基本上是男性创作的,主要是为了满足男性读者的"窥视欲",呈现了明显的男性中心主义倾向。 Body is the carrier of the erotic literature, the body narration from the male author represents a male' s peek to female body and has stronger sexy interest usually. However, the one fi'om female author relates to the whole - existence of theirself usually, it emphasizes a expression of complex feeling and message, and represents a bodily aesthetic experience, and the narrative style is a non - private voice. The traditional erotic literature is created by the male author on the whole for the sake of meeting the needs of male reader's peeking desire, it represents a tendency of male chauvinism.
作者 林树明
出处 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期87-92,共6页 Journal of Xiangtan University:Philosophy And Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"性别诗学研究"(06XZW003)
关键词 身体叙事 色情文学 性别倾向 批判 body narration exotic literature tendency of sex discrimination
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