What can we do in the future for ground-based instruments while HIPPA-RCOS is expected to measure positions and proper motions of stars with far bet-ter accuracy than those obtained by ground-based instruments? The ground-basedobservations are still important for establishing inertial frame because of the longhistory of such observations and the improvements of the instruments. Moreover, itis necessary to have the data from ground-based observations for the research su-bjects related to the Earth. The honizontal meridian circle jointly developed byDenmark and China (DCMT) is expected to have advantages over the classicalmeridain circles. The DCMT will be asembled and tested this year. It will work inthe following fields: 1. observations of radio stars. 2. observations of the minorplanets. 3. obsolute determinations of IRS stars.
Publications of The Shaanxi Astronomical Observatiory