

The clinic significance of ASCUS cases evaluated by nuclear DNA ploidy analysis in cervical cell smear
摘要 目的:探讨宫颈液基细胞核DNA倍体分析对ASC—US患者临床处理作用的意义。方法:对宫颈脱落细胞学诊断为ASCUS且附有宫颈组织病理学检测结果的140例患者的宫颈脱落细胞核进行DNA倍体分析。结果:ASCUS病例的组织病理学诊断级别和DNA倍体分析结果均不受年龄因素的影响,DNA倍体分析结果亦不随病理学级别的改变而改变;140例ASCUS的病例中组织病理学诊断为炎症64例(45.7%),CINI58例(41.1%),CINII14例(10%),CINIII4例(2.9%),宫颈脱落细胞核的DNA倍体分析阳性者87例(62.1%)。结论:应加强对宫颈脱落细胞学诊断为ASCUS病例的重视,宫颈脱落细胞核的DNA倍体分析可为ASCUS病例的病变程度提供一定的临床指导。 Aim:To investigate the nature of ASCUS diagnosed by cervical cytology in also to further clinical treatments. Methods: 140 ASCUS cases diagnosed by cervical cytology screening and with cervical histopathological test results have been carried out DNA ploidy analysis. Results: The test results of cervical histopathology and DNA ploidy analysis have not been influenced by ages of cases. The results of DNA ploidy analysis have not been changed by levels of histopathological diagnosis. On the 140 ASCUS eases, 64 eases (45.7%) were chronic inflammation, CINI58 cases (41.1%), CI- NII14 cases (10%), CINIII4 cases (2.9 %) diagnosed by histopathological diagnosis;87 cases (62. 1%) of DNA ploidy analysis were positive. Conclusion:We should pay much attention to ASCUS cases and DNA ploidy analysis of ASCUS cases during cervical intraepithelial neoplasia screening can provide more clinical information.
出处 《医学信息(下旬刊)》 2010年第7期41-42,共2页 Medical information
基金 广东省医学科学研究基金(A2007094)
关键词 宫颈液基细胞 ASC-US DNA倍体分析 cervical cell smear ASCUS DNA ploidy analysis
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