目的观察天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤和血府逐瘀汤对自发性高血压大鼠(SHR)血压及左室肥厚的影响。方法 16周龄SHR大鼠40只,随机分为5组:SHR对照组、卡托普利组、天麻钩藤饮组、温胆汤组和血府逐瘀汤组,每组8只,正常对照组WKY大鼠8只;连续干预治疗8周,然后观察三方的降压作用以及对左室肥厚的影响。结果 8周干预治疗后,各治疗组均有降压作用,但天麻钩藤饮组、温胆汤组和血府逐瘀汤组与卡托普利组比较仍有显著差异(p<0.01);卡托普利、天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤和血府逐瘀汤均能显著降低LVM/BW水平,且与SHR对照组相比有显著性差异(p<0.01);治疗组间比较,天麻钩藤饮组、温胆汤组与卡托普利组相比无显著性差异(p>0.05),血府逐瘀汤组优于天麻钩藤饮组、温胆汤组与卡托普利组(p<0.01)。结论天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤和血府逐瘀汤对稳定血压有一定的作用,但与卡托普利的降压作用仍有差距。天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤和血府逐瘀汤有显著逆转左室肥厚的作用;天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤与卡托普利效果相当,血府逐瘀汤优于天麻钩藤饮、温胆汤及卡托普利。
Objective To investigate the effects of TianMaGouTengYin, WenDanTang and XuefuzhuyuTang on blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods Beside WKY normal control group, 40 SHR rats (16- weeks -old ) were randomly divided into five groups: SHR control group, captopril positive group, Wendantang group, Xuefuzhuyutang group and Tianmagoutengyi group, each group have 8 rats; SHR were treated with an indicated dose of different drugs for 8 weeks. Then observe the effects of three prescriptions on blood pressure and the left ventricular. Results After 8 - weeks intervention treatments, all treatment groups show an antihypertensive effect. Three Chinese medicine groups VS catopril group have significant differences (p 〈 0. 01 ) ;Captopril group and three Chinese medicine groups significantly decreased on LVM, LVM and BW levels, compared with the SHR control group (p 〈 0. 01 ) ; Conclusion variables between three Chinese medicine groups and captopril group showed no significant difference (p 〉 0. 05 ), XuefuzhuyuTang group compared with other two Chinese medicine groups and captoril group showed significant differences (p 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion TianMaGouTengYin, WenDanTang and Xuefuzhuyu Tangcan decreased blood pressure of SHR, but there is still distance between captopril. Four Chinese medicine groups make important role of reversing left ventricular hypertrophy. Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, Wen Dan Tang and captopril are quite effective, Xuefuzhuyu Tang is better than Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin, Wen Dan Tang and captopril.
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