

A frequency offset value arbiter for OFDM time domain frequency offset estimation
摘要 提出了一种可适用于OFDM时域频偏估计的频偏取值判决机制,根据两个自相关峰值估算出大范围频偏粗值和小范围频偏粗值,由频偏取值控制状态器根据大范围频偏粗值和小范围频偏粗值的数值逻辑关系,确定频偏取值状态,由频偏取值执行器根据频偏取值状态计算准确的最终频偏数值。经802.11n接收机系统的频偏仿真测试表明,在IEEETGN多径信道A~信道F条件下,其频偏估计均方误差〈10^-2误差(SNR〉5),估算范围达正负2.5倍子载波频率间隔。 A new frequency offset arbiter method is derived. Which firstly estimate the coarse value for the large scale frequency offset and the fine value for the small scale frequency offset, then according to the numerical relation between the large scale frequency offset and the small scale ones ,the frequency offset state utility confirms the frequency offset arbiter's state, lastly the frequency offset operator calculates the correct frequency offset. The method is simulated in the 802.11n receiver system which works in the IEEE TGN muhipath channel mode A-F, the frequency offset MSE is less than 10^-2 (SNR〉5),the estimate scale is positive or negative 2.5 times sub-carrier frequency interval.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2010年第7期122-126,共5页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 国家科技重大专项基金资助(2009ZX03007-002-03)
关键词 正交频分复用 频率同步 频偏取值判决器 OFDM frequency synchronization frequency offset arbiter
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