Moulin线状皮肤萎缩(linear atrophoderma of Moulin)是由Moulint于1992年首次报道,为临床上一种少见的皮肤病,至今国外报道约有26例,国内2例.现将我们近两年诊断的4例报道如下.
Chinese Journal of Dermatology
1Moulin G,Hill MP,Guillaud V,et al.Acquired atrophic pigmented band-like lesions following Blaschko's lines.Ann Dermatol Venereol,1992,119(10):729-736.
2Utikal J,Keil D,Klemke CD,et al.Predominant telangiectatic erythema in linear atrophoderma of Moulin:novel variant or separate entity? Dermatology,2003,207(3):310-315.
3Artola Igarza JL,Sánchez Conejo-Mir J,Corbí Llopis MR,et al.Linear atrophoderma of Moulin:treatment with Potaba.Dermatology,1996,193(4):345-347.
4Ang G,Hyde PM,Lee JB.Unilateral congenital linear atrophoderma of the leg.Pediatric Dermatol,2005,22(4):350-354.
1常建民.有线状色素沉着表现的皮肤病[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2007,36(5):334-335. 被引量:2
2Moulin G, Hill MP. Guillaud V, et al. Ac- quired atrophic pigmented band- like lesions following Blaschko' s lines. Ann Dermatol Venereol 1992;119(10) :729 - 736.
3Baumann L, Happle R, Plewig G, et al. Atrophodermia linearis Moulin. A new dis- ease picture, following the Blaschko lines. Hautarzt 1994;45(4) :231 - 236.
4Park HY, Park JH, Lee DY, et al. Linear Atrophoderma of moulin de- veloped on the neck [J]. Korean J Dermatol, 2011,49 ( 11 ) : 1035 - 1037.
5Danani R, Bittar M, Happle R, et al. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin: postulation of mosaicism for a predisposing gene [ J]. JAm Acad Derma- tol,2003,49 ( 3 ) :492 - 498.
6Artola lgarza JL, Sanchez Conejo-Mir J, Corbf Llopis MR, et al. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin : treatment with Potaba[ J]. Dermatology, 1996, 193 (4) :345 - 347.
7Rompe! R, Mischke AL, Langner C, et al. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin [ J ]. Eur J Dermato1,2000,10:611 - 613.
8Tukenmez Demirei G, Altunay IK, Mert,glu E, et al. I,inear atrophoderma of Moulin on the neck. J l)ermatol Case Rep, 2011, 5(3): 47-49.
9Danarti R, Bittar M, Happte R, et al. Linear atrophoderma of Moulin: postulation of mosaicism for a predisposing gene. J Am Acad Dermatol, 2003, 49(3): 492-498.
10Sc'hepis C, Palazzo R, Lentini M. A teen-ager with linear atrophoderma of Mnulin. Dermatnl Online J, 2010, 16(2): 7.
2杨舟,邢嬛,孙玉娟.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2012,26(12):1114-1115. 被引量:2
3陈洪晓,荀乙峰,王婷,刘卫兵.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩二例[J].中华皮肤科杂志,2013,46(8):602-603. 被引量:1
1罗翔,陈涛,张敏,路永红,涂媛.累及双侧的Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2014,28(11):1159-1160. 被引量:1
3孔祥君,李群燕,于广新,张理涛.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2020,34(2):243-244. 被引量:1
1杨汝斌,余江云.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2012,41(8):503-503. 被引量:1
3罗翔,陈涛,张敏,路永红,涂媛.累及双侧的Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2014,28(11):1159-1160. 被引量:1
4李娟,常建民,高艳青.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩性皮病[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2015,44(5):269-270. 被引量:1
5杨舟,邢嬛,孙玉娟.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国皮肤性病学杂志,2012,26(12):1114-1115. 被引量:2
6马东来,苑勰,贾力,方凯.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2008,37(3):143-145. 被引量:10
8陈洪晓,荀乙峰,王婷,刘卫兵.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩二例[J].中华皮肤科杂志,2013,46(8):602-603. 被引量:1
9齐艳宁,王玉坤.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩1例[J].中国麻风皮肤病杂志,2010,26(11):808-809. 被引量:2
10关杨,陶小华,张芸,杨帆.Moulin线状皮肤萎缩[J].临床皮肤科杂志,2012,41(1):36-37. 被引量:4