目的:了解在糖尿病肾病(DN)发生发展过程中,CXCL16在db/db小鼠肾脏中的表达变化,并对其与DN的相关性进行初步探讨。方法:选取分别代表DN不同发展阶段的4、8、12、16和20周龄的db/db小鼠和同龄db/m小鼠各6只;取左肾的一半用于提取总RNA;右肾用于制作冰冻切片、石蜡切片、电镜标本等;利用半定量RT-PCR的方法分析各组小鼠肾脏中CXCL16 mRNA相对表达水平,以免疫组化的方法分析CXCL16蛋白在各组小鼠肾组织中的表达和分布情况;同时测定各组小鼠的体重、血糖、血三酰甘油、血胆固醇和24h尿白蛋白排泄量,分析各组小鼠的肾脏组织病理情况以了解小鼠DN的发生发展情况。结果:(1)与同龄的db/m小鼠相比,4周龄的db/db小鼠的体重有所增加,但血糖、血三酰甘油、血胆固醇、24h尿白蛋白排泄量均无明显差异,肾脏组织病理分析也无明显变化,说明4周龄的db/db小鼠尚未发生糖尿病;但8周龄的db/db小鼠的血糖、24h尿白蛋白排泄量均已有明显升高,且肾组织中也已出现肾小球肥大、系膜区扩张、基膜增厚等DN病理改变,说明8周龄的db/db小鼠已发生了DN,但从各方面的情况来看,8周龄db/db小鼠的DN仍较轻,可代表DN早期的情况;自8周龄以后,db/db小鼠的血糖、血三酰甘油、血胆固醇、尿白蛋白排泄量以及肾小球肥大、系膜区扩张、基膜增厚等情况随着鼠龄的增长而不断的增加,说明db/db小鼠的DN不断进展。(2)与同龄的db/m小鼠相比,CXCL16在4周龄的db/db小鼠肾脏中的表达并没有明显变化;但8周龄db/db小鼠肾脏中CXCL16的表达水平已有所增加。此后,随着鼠龄的增加,DN的进展,CXCL16的表达水平逐渐增加。(3)在成年正常小鼠,CXCL16主要分布于小鼠肾脏髓质的小管中,相对来说在肾脏皮质中的分布较少;在DN小鼠,分布在肾小管和小球中的CXCL16均有明显增加;且肾小球CXCL16的表达增加主要发生在足细胞的位置。(4)CXCL16在幼年小鼠(指4周龄的db/m和db/db小鼠)肾脏中的表达分布与成年小鼠(指8周龄以上)亦存在一些差异,这可能提示CXCL16与小鼠肾脏的正常生长发育有关。结论:db/db小鼠肾脏中CXCL16的表达随DN的发生发展而增高,至少在时间上与DN具有相关性,提示CXCL16可能参与DN的病理过程。
Objective:To investigate the renal expression of CXCL16 in db/db mice, a model of type 2 diabetic nephropathy(DN), during the development of DN. Methodology:Kidney samples were obtained from db/db mice and their db/m littermates at the age of 4,8,12,16 and 20 weeks. The expression of CXCL16 was assessed by RT-PCR and immunohistocbemistty, and then correlated with biochemical and histological indices of kidney injury. Results: No significant difference of CXCL16 expression was found in the kidney of db/db mice as compared with the control db/m mice at the age of 4 weeks, a time when all biochemical and histological indices indicated that the db/db mice were in pre-diabetic condition. However, with the development of obesity, hyperglycemia and proteinuria, the expression of CXCL16 in the kidney of db/db mice increased. CXCL16 protein was distributed mainly in the renal distal tubule and in the glomerular podocytes to a less extent. Besides, different distribution of CXCL16 was also found between young mice(4-week-old db/m and db/db mice) and adult mice(db/m mice of 8-week-old and older than 8 weeks), which may suggest that CXCLI6 might have some thing to do with the growth and development of kidney. Conclusion: Renal CXCLI6 expression increased with the development of DN suggests that CXCL16 might involve in the initiation and development of DN in db/db mice.
Chinese Journal of Nephrology,Dialysis & Transplantation