

Fuzzy clustering and information mining in complex networks
摘要 针对复杂网络交叠团的聚类与模糊分析方法设计问题,给出一种新的模糊度量及相应的模糊聚类方法,并以新度量为基础,设计出两种挖掘网络模糊拓扑特征的新指标:团间连接紧密程度和模糊点对交叠团的连接贡献度,并将其用于网络交叠模块拓扑结构宏观分析和团间关键点提取。实验结果表明,使用该聚类与分析方法不仅可以获得模糊团结构,而且能够揭示出新的网络特征。该方法为复杂网络聚类后分析提供了新的视角。 There is seldom a method which is capable of both clustering the network and analyzing the resulted overlapping communities.To solve this problem,this paper presented a novel fuzzy metric and a soft clustering algorithm.Based on the novel metric,two topological fuzzy metric,which include clique-clique closeness degree and inter-clique connecting contribution degree,were devised and applied in the topological macro analysis and the extraction of key nodes in the overlapping communities.Experimental results indicate that,as an attempt of analysis after clustering,the new indicators and mechanics can uncover new topology features hidden in the network.
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期2452-2454,2461,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60775012 60634030) 西北工业大学创新基金资助项目(KC02)
关键词 网络模糊聚类 团—点相似度 团间连接紧密度 团间连接贡献度 对称非负矩阵分解 网络宏观拓扑 network fuzzy clustering clique-node similarity clique-clique closeness degree inter-clique connection contribution degree symmetrical nonnegative matrix factorization(s-NMF) network topology macrostructure
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