
外科医生不应该是分子生物学的门外汉 被引量:1

Surgeons should not be laymen of molecular biology
摘要 近年来分子生物学研究不但对肿瘤的发生机制有新的发现,其研究成果也直接渗透到肿瘤的筛查、诊断、影像、治疗和预防等临床领域。为了提高肿瘤的诊治水平,现代外科医生应该紧跟医学发展的新潮流,掌握肿瘤分子学基础知识及动态,了解其在肿瘤临床方面的实际应用,熟悉当前靶向治疗的现状和前景。外科医生要更新观念,主动适应和配合在临床分子肿瘤学和多学科模式年代中的手术策略调整。 Academic achievement on molecular biology not only brings forth a new discovery in carcinogenesis, but also directly pervades in the field of cancer screening, diagnosis, imageology, treatment and prevention in recent years. Modem surgeons will be required in the wake of the new trend of medical advancement to enhance skills to manage cancer patients and to master the molecular basis of cancer and its clinical applications. It should know the current status and foreground of cancer targeted therapy and renew the concept. Surgical oncologists need to cooperate with specialists in other fields more than they used to.
作者 詹文华
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期517-519,共3页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 肿瘤 分子生物学 靶向治疗 tumor molecular biology targeted therapy
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