
青少年测量估计能力的发展状况及相关因素 被引量:9

Development of Adolescent's Measurement Estimation Ability and Related Factors
摘要 测量估计(简称估测)是上世纪七十年代数学认知领域兴起的研究热点之一。采用自编的测验任务对747名青少年估测能力的发展状况及相关因素进行了考察。其中测验任务包括长度和面积估测两种类型,并且每种类型都采用了图形和实物两种题目形式。被试平均年龄为17.11岁。结果发现青少年的估测能力的发展表现出如下特点:(1)青少年的总体估测能力普遍较低;(2)青少年的估测能力在初中阶段会显著提高,但之后的发展相对缓慢;(3)青少年的估测成绩易受任务类型和题目形式的影响。对长度任务的估测成绩好于对面积的估测;对图形题目的估测成绩好于对实际物体的估测;(4)青少年的估测能力不存在明显性别差异。 Measurement estimation has been one of research focuses in mathematics cognition since 1970s.Using self-designed tasks,the present study investigated the developmental tendency and related factors of measurement estimation competence in adolescent.Length and area estimation were included in the task,and each task type including geometric figures and actual objects presenting mode.747 adolescents participated in this research.Their average age was 17.11 years old.The results showed that the measurement estimation ability in adolescents was generally low.It was remarkably rising during junior middle school stage,but after then a slowly developmental trend emerged.Task type and presenting mode showed significant effect on adolescents ' performances of measurement estimation.In particular,the estimation performance of length tasks was better than that on area tasks;similarly,the estimation performance of geometric figures was better than that on presenting actual objects.No significant gender difference was found in adolescents'performance of measurement estimation.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期351-356,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划教育部青年专项课题(EBA030406)成果 "泰山学者"建设工程 山东省"十一五"强化建设重点学科 山东省高等学校优秀骨干教师国际合作培养项目
关键词 估计 测量估计 青少年 estimation measurement estimation adolescent
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