
基于RFID与WSN的监狱人员实时监控系统 被引量:3

A Real-time Monitoring System of Inmates in Prisons Based on RFID and WSN
摘要 监狱劳教人员的实时状态信息是监狱管理和决策的主要信息源,文章研究如何获取劳教人员的实时信息、对人员进行精确定位并回传信息给相应的远程监控系统。本文所提出的解决方案利用无线射频技术实现对劳教人员配带的RFID传感标签进行非接触式自动识别,利用无线传感器网络将采集的信息进行处理并回传。针对系统中人员难以精确定位的问题,论文采用RSSI测距和多边定位相结合的人员定位算法。实验表明该系统控制方便,效果良好。 Real-time status information of inmates in prisons is the main source for managing and decision-making. This paper addresses how to obtain real-time information of inmates,how to accurately locate inmates,and how to transfer the information to the remote monitoring system. The solution in paper is based on Radio Frequency Identification technology for non-contact identifying inmates who wear the RFID sensor tag,and wireless sensor networks for processing and transferring the collected information. To solve the difficult of accurately locating,the paper combines RSSI ranging algorithm and multilateral localization algorithm. The experiments show that the system is convenient,and works well.
出处 《微计算机信息》 2010年第20期185-186,195,共3页 Control & Automation
基金 基金申请人:程平 项目名称:嵌入式系统和射频识别技术在监狱劳教人员实时定位跟踪中的应用研究 基金颁发部门:重庆市科委(2009AC2143)
关键词 RFID WSN 定位算法 监控系统 RFID WSN localization algorithm monitoring system
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