

Population-based Co-stimulation Artificial Immune Model
摘要 在信息安全保障体系中,传统的以"单兵作战"形式出现的异常检测技术无法应对新的病毒和攻击,造成防御不准确、应急响应滞后等现象。借鉴生物免疫群体协同刺激机制,提出用于复杂异常检测的群体协同刺激人工免疫模型,重点分析了人工先天免疫层中抗原提呈细胞的群体特性,并阐述了淋巴细胞群体的协同工作原理。 In the information security system,the traditional methods,including"one-man operations"form of anomaly detection,could not effectively deal with novel viruses and attacks,thus resulting in inaccurate defense and slow emergency response. Inspired by biological population-based co-stimulation immune mechanism,this paper proposes a population-based co-stimulation artificial immune model for complex anomaly detection. It focuses on features of artificial antigen presentation cell population in the artificial innate immune layer. And the cooperative working principles of various artificial lymphocytes are also discussed.
出处 《信息安全与通信保密》 2010年第7期90-93,共4页 Information Security and Communications Privacy
基金 中国博士后科研基金资助项目"基于免疫学的片上网络容错设计"(编号:20080430273) 中国博士后科研基金资助项目"基于多路径的安全路由模型及路由算法"(编号:200902026) 深圳市科技计划资助项目"具有实时免疫检测能力的片上网络容错设计"(编号:深科信(2008)340号)
关键词 异常检测 人工免疫模型 群体协同刺激 anomaly detection artificial immune model population-based co-stimulation
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