
城市社区领导与居民区公共治理 被引量:2

摘要 市场化改革以来,中国基层社会治理格局发生了巨大的变化,其中一个重要变化就是民众对基层公共事务的参与力度越来越大。基层社会变迁的逻辑,从过去国家的建设逐渐转变为社会的建设,即由国家权力自上而下构建基层,逐渐转变为通过鼓励社会自主力量的成长,并由后者承载起基层治理的功能。随着更多的社会力量参与到社会治理中来,民间的自主创造精神和实践智慧得以展现,形成了多样化的基层治理模式。正是基于对这一社会发展趋势的理解,我们组织了本次笔谈,试图从政治学的角度解读中国社会力量的成长,以及由此带来的基层治理的变化。林尚立指出,中国民主的根本动力在社会,但是民主的发展离不开国家的推动,基层民主是国家建构民主的具体实践;乔耀章认为,基层民主建设是一项巨大的系统工程,是社会主义民主政治建设的重要组成部分;何俊志探讨乡镇负债这一乡村治理重大问题的成因以及解决办法;李中仁则专门探讨了社区领导的治理角色问题;李辉研究了社区选举,论述了城市化过程中征地农民的选举资格问题。 Since the marketization reform,there have been great changes to China's grass-roots management,one of which is people's increased participation in grass-roots public affairs.The logic for the change of the grass-roots society has changed from national construction in the past to social construction,i.e.,from the construction of the grassroots level by national authority to the encouragement of the growth of social original forces,which should take the turn to carry out the grass-roots management.With more and more social forces participating in social management,non-governmental original spirit of creation and wisdom in practice is manifested and therefore,forms diverse management patterns.Based on the understanding of this social development tendency,we organize this forum trying to interpret the growth of Chinese social forces from the perspective of politics and changes of the corresponding grass-roots management.Lin Shangli in his paper maintains that the society is the basic motive of China's democracy but the development of democracy is inseparable from the pushing of the country and grass-roots democracy comes from the practice of the country's construction of democracy.Qiao Yaozhang holds that the construction of grass-roots democracy is a great system project and an important part of the construction of socialist democracy.He Junzhi in his paper probes into the causes and solutions of township debts.Li Zhongren in his paper talks about the community leader's role in the management and Li Hui expounds voter eligibility of the land-expropriated farmers in urbanization.
作者 李中仁
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期96-99,共4页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
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