

Technique of in-Situ Biodiesel Production
摘要 采用原位制备法,以乙酸甲酯作为油脂抽提溶剂和酰基交换剂,研究了脂肪酶催化的生物柴油制备工艺;通过正交试验考察了乙酸甲酯分别作为油脂抽提溶剂和酰基交换剂的用量、反应时间及反应温度等对生物柴油得率的影响;结果表明:乙酸甲酯提油率为60%,与常规溶剂石油醚、二甲酮相当,但品质优于常规溶剂.除去部分乙酸甲酯后,以剩余的乙酸甲酯作为酰基交换剂,利用脂肪酶催化原位油脂酯交换反应14 h,生物柴油的得率高达95%. Production of biodiesel via extraction and in-situ transesterification with methyl acetate as the extracting solvent triglyceride old and acyl acceptor was investigated. Effects of various factors including solvent weight, extraction time, extraction temperature were studied by orthogonal experimental design. The results showed that methyl acetate was a better solvent to extract the oil from pork fat, compared with petroleum ether and acetone. Under the optimized conditions, the extraction rate of methyl acetate was 60%. After the removal of a portion of the methyl acetate removed, the in-situ transesterification reaction allowed to processed in the same reactor, catalyzed by lipase to produce biodiesel. The biodiesel yield of 95 % was achieved in 14 h.
作者 黄瑛 闫云君
出处 《中南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第2期38-41,共4页 Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2007AA100703) 深圳大学自然科学基金(200925)
关键词 生物柴油 乙酸甲酯 原位制取 biodiesel acetate methyl in-situ production
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