

The transformation of early intervention for deaf children from child centered to family oriented
摘要 儿童的聋不仅影响儿童,也影响家庭生活的各个方面.家庭作为聋童社会生态环境的中心,正在成为国际聋童早期干预关注的焦点.本文介绍了有关聋童早期干预从儿童中心到家庭中心的发展趋势,总结了一些建立在大量研究基础上的有效干预措施,比如积极建构聋的意义、借用聋人经验帮助聋人、建立聋人家庭支持小组等,希望对我国的聋童早期干预有所启迪. Childhood deafness affects not only the children themselves, but also family life. As the social ecological center, the family is becoming the focus of concern in early intervention for deaf children. The centers of early intervention are shifting from child centered to family oriented strategies. This paper will summarize several evidence-based effective intervention measures, including positively constructing the meaning of deafness, helping the deaf children via experiences from deaf people and establishing the family support groups. It is desirable that these measures will facilitate the early intervention for deaf children in China.
作者 刘胜林
出处 《中国听力语言康复科学杂志》 2010年第3期45-49,共5页 Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation
关键词 聋童 早期干预 儿童中心 家庭中心 生态转变 Deaf children Early intervention Child-centered Family-oriented Ecological shift
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