目的探讨彩色多普勒超声在女性附件扭转诊断中的临床价值。方法对41例经手术病理证实的卵巢、输卵管或卵巢肿物蒂扭转患者的声像图表现进行回顾性分析。结果 41例卵巢、输卵管或卵巢肿物蒂扭转中31例声像图均可显示扭转蒂部(血管蒂);超声表现为位于卵巢或肿物一侧的团状不均质中等回声结构;10例未能显示蒂部。结论彩色多普勒超声能及时诊断附件扭转。扭转时血管蒂形成的团状不均质中等回声是其特异性表现,是诊断扭转的有力依据。
Objective To explore the significance of ultrasound in the diagnosis ot iemale adnexal torsion. Methods Forty-one cases of adnexal torsion were retrospectively reviewed to analyze the ultrasonic features, which were confirmed by surgery and pathology. Results The vascular pedicle were displayed in 31 cases of adnexat torsion whose ultrasonic appearance revealed a significantly mildly echogenic mass beside ovary or noduces. Ten cases of adnexal torsion revealed no mildly echogenic mass. Conclusions The adnexal torsion should be diagnosed by color Doppler ultrasound. The ultrasonic feature of adnexal torsion is vascular pedicle that revealed a mildly echogenic mass.
Chinese Journal of Medical Ultrasound(Electronic Edition)