AIM : To detect preponderant bacterium in the root canals of chornic periapical periodontitis by a polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) approach, and to analyze the rela- tionship between the bacterial presence and the clinical symptoms. METHODS: Tuenty-seven clinical samples were collected from the root canals of teeth with chronic periapical periodontitis. DNAs were extracted from the samples and identified by PCR-DGGE. RESULTS: Ten dominant microbial species were detected in symptomatic group, while 14 were detected in asymptomatie group. The detection rates of Haemophilus sp. and Flexistipes sp. were higher in symp- tomatic cases while Streptococcus sp. and Lactob^illus sp. were lower ( P 〈 0.05 ). Desulfobulbus sp was rarely detected in subgingival plaque and was first detected in this study, indicating that it might be one of the dominant microbial spe- cies in chronic periapical periodontitis. The detection rate of Desulfobulbus sp. was higher in knock pain-free cases ( P 〈 0.05 ). CONCLUSION : In chronic periapical periodontitis samples, Haemophilus sp. and Flexistipes sp. show positive relationship with the presence of clinical symptoms while Streptococcus sp. and Lactobacillus sp. have positive relationship with the asymptoms. Desulfobulbus sp. has negative relationship with the presence of pain at percussion. DGGE is proved to be a powerful tool to analyze poly-microbes in root canals.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry