Objective: To report the prospective results on donor site complications of iliac crest composite free flaps (ICCFF) transfer. Methods: 38 patients with mandibular defects had undergone a total of 40 ICCFF transfers, donor site complications and sensory changes and gait disturbanles were prospectively assessed during preoperative and postoperative following. Results: donor site pain, sensory changes and gait disturbanles occurred frequently, Most of patients could recover during 6 months to 1 year. Major complications such as delayed healing, incisional hernia and femoral neuropathy were infrequently encountered. long term neuralgia of donor sites possibly ralated to nerves entrapment. Conclusion: in general, donor sites complications on ICCFF transter were found to be acceptable. Emphasis must be placed on operative indications and operating techniques.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery