为促进北京市密云地区春播玉米品种更新换代,实现玉米产业可持续发展,2004年对中单28、德玉1号、农大4967、高油4515的产量性状,抗病抗倒、农艺性状和果穗性状进行了分析,结果表明:中单28产量高,生育期适宜,株高穗位合理,抗病性强,抗倒性好,可以作为密云县推广种植的苗头品种进一步进行不同年份,不同试点的示范种植。2005-2006年进行了不同试点的试验示范,结果表明:中单28在密云地区相对农大108的增产效果显著,在不同地区,不同年份均表现出高产、稳产以及很好的抗逆性,适宜在密云地区推广种植,能够代替农大108作为密云地区的春播玉米主推品种。高产栽培试验表明:中单28在3 600~3 900株/667 m2的密度下产量最高,且倒伏率、空秆率都较低,是最适宜的种植密度;同时通过分析不同施肥模式与灌水模式下中单28的农艺性状、抗性、投入、产量及效益得出,常规施肥模式下中单28株高穗位合理,抗逆性较好,投入低,经济效益高;雨养栽培模式下中单28株高较低,投入低,效益高,是节支增效的理想栽培模式,可以做到增产增收。探索推广模式,帮助企业决策,加大宣传品种力度,加快推广进程。
In order to promote the development of new strains of corn and to achieve sustainable development of maize industry,through analysis of yield traits,disease and lodging resistance,agronomic traits,ear characteristic of Zhongdan28,Deyu1,Nongda4967,Gaoyou4515 in 2004,the results showed that high yield suitable maturity,plant height and ear reasonable,disease resistance,lodging resistance of Zhondan28,and could be planted as signs of Miyun county to promote further varieties in different years,different pilot demonstration plant.Pilot tests of different model were conducted from 2005 to 2006,the results showed that Zhongdan 28 in the Miyun area yield relatively Nongda 108 significantly in different regions and different years showed a high yield and good resistance,suitable for planting in Miyun District,to replace the Nongda 108,as Miyun county the main push spring maize varieties.High yield tests results showed that Zhongdan 28 in 3 600 to 3 900 per 667 m2 of the density of the highest yield,and lodging rates,low empty stalk rate was the most suitable planting density;by analysis of different fertilization and irrigation mode in Zhongdan28 agronomic traits,resistance,input,output and efficiency obtained in conventional fertilization mode in a single ear of Zhongdan28 height reasonable,good resistance,low investment,high economic efficiency;rain-fed cultivation patterns Zhongdan28 under the single-height low,low investment,high efficiency,was ideal for planting efficiency savings mode,could be increasing production.Explore the extension model to help business decisions,increase efforts to promote variety,speed up the promotion process.
test demonstration
high yield