
《蝴蝶君》中全景敞视监狱意象 被引量:6

Reading the Image of Panopticon in M.Butterfly
摘要 《蝴蝶君》是对东西方话语权力关系的一次颠覆。西方通过创设一套话语符号系统和机制建构了东方,在这种"全景敞视监狱"式话语监视下,话语的所指不自觉地将这种压制或权力关系铭刻在自己身上,成为廉价话语权力的受害者。但辨证和历史地看,这种话语符号系统是一把双刃剑。一方面,西方世界的少数族裔以及广大非西方在西方强势的话语中失语和失去根性;另一方面处于权力中心的西方白人世界同样受到该体系的监视和束缚,从而形成话语的内部殖民并造成自身权力的被放逐,《蝴蝶君》即是后一种情况的代表性展现。 M. Butterfly subverts the traditional opposition of West and East that continues to structure the Western gaze. The novel demonstrates that Western stereotypes of the East indicate the creation of the subject within discourse. The identification with those stereotypes echoes the way that Foucault theorizes the internalization of power. Ac- cording to Foucault, the panoptic society works by having people believe they are being gazed and thus police themselves. History shows that this panoptical gaze is bi-directional. It might be deployed to make the person who is gazed docile and voiceless. But it also subjects the person who gazes to forces of discipline and control. M. Butterfly, for exam- ple, is an illustration of what some have called endo-colonialism, in which the one-wholooks becomes the one-who-is-looked-at.
作者 唐友东
机构地区 上海外国语大学
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期106-112,共7页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
关键词 《蝴蝶君》 全景敞视监狱 内部殖民 颠覆 M. Butterfly, panopticon, endo-colonialism, subversion
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