
基于MantisOS的无线传感器网络应用开发模型 被引量:1

A model for developing wireless sensor network application based on MantisOS
摘要 无线传感器网络是当今信息领域新的研究方向,应用前景十分广阔。考虑无线传感器网络的应用相关性,总结无线传感器网络应用程序开发研究经验,引入软件工程思想,提出一个无线传感器网络应用开发过程模型,可以提高开发速度和开发质量;随后给出了一个在MantisOS下开发应用程序的技术模型,降低了使用MantisOS的线程管理机制开发多任务应用程序可能出现的线程上下文切换开销。 Wireless sensor network is new research area of modern information domain.It has promising applications in many fields.Considering the application relativity of wireless sensor network and summarizing the experience in developing wireless sensor network applications,this paper presents a process model for developing wireless sensor network application based on the thought of software engineering.This model can improve the speed and quality of the application development.Then,a technology model for developing applications on MantisOS is introduced.This can reduce the consumption of the context-switch of the threads in developing multi-task applications using the threads management mechanism of the MantisOS.
作者 刘莉 黄海平
出处 《信息技术》 2010年第6期127-129,共3页 Information Technology
关键词 无线传感器网络 MantisOS 软件工程 wireless sensor network MantisOS software engineering
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