

Origin of the liberal tradition of European medieval universities and its enlightenment
摘要 欧洲中世纪大学能一直延续到今并日益繁荣的重要原因之一是其独特的自由传统。中世纪大学自由扎根于思想自由的文化精神中,大学当局通过建立大学自治制度和从权力当局获得特权实现大学自由的制度化。现代大学与政府、市场和社会的联系越来越紧密,大学自由也越来越受到学术资本主义与行政权利的制约,大学要坚守自由精神和传统,有效应对市场化和行政化的现实挑战,按照高等教育自身的规律自主办学,促进高等教育的持续发展。 One of the important reasons that medieval universities can survive until today and become more and more prosperous lies in its unique liberal tradition. The liberty of medieval universities is deeply rooted in cutural spirit of free throught, and universities achieve the institution of university liberty by establishing the institution of university autonomy and obtaining privileges from authorities. It has been proved by the history of universities that since medieval period university liberty is not only negative rights which are not affected by others but positive rights that teachers and students in university are making great efforts to pursuit. Universities become the most prosperous when university liberty is fully realized and protected. It will become so easy that universities will receive the support and tolerance from society when they are run by liberty.
作者 杨惠兰
出处 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第3期71-77,共7页 Journal of Hunan Agricultural University(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社科研究项目(09YJC880030)
关键词 大学自由 大学自治 市场化 行政化 中世纪 liberal tradition of universities university autonomy marketization administration medieval period
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