
三个预选公式在聋儿助听器验配中的效果评价 被引量:2

Evaluation of Three Pre-selection Formulae for Deaf Children in Hearing Aids Fitting
摘要 目的探索出适合聋儿的助听器预选公式。方法对重度和极度感音神经性聋的15例(30耳)患儿应用NAL-R、Berger、1/3增益公式,进行了助听器验配,并对不同频率上的目标增益值、真耳介入增益值、助听前后的声场阈值方面进行了比较;探索适合于这类患者的最佳预选公式。结果1各公式助听前后的声场阈值之间有显著性差异(P<0.01),经预选公式验配后有不同程度的助听效果;2助听效果最好的是Berger公式,助听效果最差的是1/3增益公式。结论虽然助听效果最好的是Berger公式,但是还应强调个体化。 Objective To choose the most effective way for deaf children from three pre-selection formulae in hearing aids fitting. Methods Three pre-selection formulae(NAL-R, Berger, one third) of prescriptive strategy have been applied to the children(15 subjects, 30 ears) with sensorineural deafness who sustain severe and profound hearing loss, meanwhile, the comparison has been made at several frequencies in different aspects such as target gain,real ear insertion gain,unaided/aided threshold and so on. Results (1)The difference between unaided and aided threshold is significant( P <0.01) after hearing aids fitting, therefore,the three formulae we used have shown some benefits,more or less,to our subjects for the hearing compensation;(2)A comparison and statistic analysis have been made in both target gain and real ear insertion gain ,the result indicated the most effective formula on hearing compensation among the three formulae seems to be Berger, and one third formula appears to be the least effective on hearing compensation in our group. Conclusion Although the most effective formula seems to be Berger, individulization must be emphasized and the type of the audiogram should be taken into consideration
出处 《听力学及言语疾病杂志》 CAS CSCD 1999年第2期92-94,共3页 Journal of Audiology and Speech Pathology
关键词 预选公式 助听器验配 介入增益 儿童 Pre-selection formula Hearing aids fitting Insertion gain Aided threshold
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