目的 研究射精坐浴或阴道夜间置药对由淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体(CT)、解脲支原体(UU)所致男女生殖系后期性病(STDs)的疗效。方法 将确诊者男180 例分120 例给全身用药加射精坐浴(治疗组)和60例仅全身用药(对照组);女70 例分50 例给全身用药加夜间阴道置药(治疗组)和20 例仅全身用药(对照组)。结果 前半疗程治愈率:对照与治疗组分别为男70% 与88% ( P< 0.01),女80% 与95.5% 。( P< 0.05);一疗程总有效率:对照与治疗组分别为男88% 与96.2% ( P<0.05),女85% 与100% (P< 0.01)。
Objective To study the effects of ejeculation plus sit bathing or placing-m edicine-in-vagina on postsage STDs ofm ale and fem ale MethodsAm ong 180 m ale patients,120 patientsw ere given m edicine in allbody plusejeculation and sit-bathing(treatm entgroup),other 60 patients were only given m edicine in allbody (conrtast group),and am ong 70 fem ale patient,50 patients w ere given m edicine in allbody plus placing-m edicine-in-vagina (treatm entgroup),other 20 patientsw ere only given m edicine in allbody (contrastgroup).ResultsThe curing rates ofthe firsthalfoftreatm entstage were 88.5% for m ale (P< 0.01),95.5% for fem ale(P< 0.05)(treatm ent group)and 70% for m ale ,80% for fem ale (contrast grou).The generaleffectrates ofallthe treatm ent stage w ere 96.2% for m ale ( P< 0.05),100% for fem ale ( P< 0.01)(treatm ant group) and 88% form ale,85% for fem ale (Contrastgroup) Conclusion This tw o therapy is effiective to treatSTDs.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science