

Deterring function of naval ship formation movement
摘要 探讨了海军机动编队威慑行动的基本任务、兵力编成、运用海区和行动方式,分析了威慑行动的基本特点和总体定位,提出了"以我为主,因敌而变,以智取胜"的指导思想,从全局、天时、地利、人和等方面研究了威慑运用策略。 Naval ship formation movement is a deterrent action with important military significance. Its basic task, military force, sea area distribution and manner of acting are explored in this paper. Based on the analysis of its basic characteristics and its general positioning, a new guiding ideology, "keeping the initiative in our own hands, making changes with different opponents, winning victory by strategy", is proposed. This paper studies the deterrence strategy from the situation as a whole, and points out that it will achieve a better effect through having good opportunity, favorable geo- graphical location and support from the people.
出处 《海军工程大学学报(综合版)》 2010年第2期67-72,共6页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering(Comprehensive Edition)
关键词 海军机动编队 威慑 运用 naval ship formation movement deterrence application
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