

Entanglement Generation and Amplification Based on Two-mode Correlated Spontaneous Emission Laser
摘要 利用双模相关联自发辐射激光来实现纠缠态的制备,并且选择适当的参数范围来实现三能级原子参量下转化过程,运用S imon等人提出的可分离判据,讨论了如何来实现纠缠的提高.分析表明:要得到高亮度的和较高的纠缠光体系必须工作在参量下转化过程的阈值以上. We consider a system of two-mode correlated spontaneous emission laser.The master equation of the cavity modes is obtained.We find that,under some conditions,the system can work as a NPDC.The entanglement properties of two-mode ?eld is discussed according to the entanglement criterion proposed by Simon et al.In addition,in order to obtain the bright and strong entangled ?eld,the system should operate above threshold.
作者 邓文武
出处 《咸宁学院学报》 2010年第6期8-10,共3页 Journal of Xianning University
基金 咸宁学院科研资助项目(ky09064)
关键词 CEL 主方程 参量下转换 纠缠 Correlated spontaneous emission laser Master equation Parametric down-conversion Entanglement
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