
荷兰同性婚姻的国际私法问题 被引量:6

The Private Intemational Law Issues Concerning Same-sex Marriage in Netherlands
摘要 性别相同的两个自然人结合而成的伴侣关系有多种表现形式,有的较为松散,不具有法律意义,有的颇为紧密,具有从法律角度予以探讨的必要。2001年4月荷兰修订了《婚姻法》,允许缔结同性婚姻。2005年以来相继有比利时、加拿大、马萨诸塞州、荷兰及西班牙等通过立法承认同性婚姻。荷兰《国际私法(结婚与离婚)法》也作了修订,及时回应同性婚姻的成立与解除、同性离婚案件管辖权选择、外国同性婚姻的效力及外国同性离婚判决的承认、同性婚姻与荷兰区际私法等问题对国际私法的需求。我国当前同性恋人群呈增长趋势。在可预见的未来我国必然遇到在我国境内缔结同性婚姻的合法性、外国同性婚姻配偶在我国的民事法律地位、外国同性离婚判决在我国的承认等问题。我们需要研究和借鉴域外的成功经验,完善我国国际私法立法。 Two natural persons of same - sex may be uinted with various forms of relationship,some of which are loose and insignificant in law,and some close and necessary to be regulated by rules. In April 2001 Mariage Act of the Netherlands was amended so as to allow homosexual marriages. Since 2005 such jurisdictions as Belgium, Canada, Massachusetts, the Netherlands and Spain offer same - sex couples the possibility to marry. Later Private International Law (Marriage and Divorce) Act also amended responed to the legal demand by the establishment and dissolution ,jurisdiction choice , validity of foreign same- sex marriage,and recognition of feign divorce decisions and the interregional consequences. Nowadays homosexual population is on the increase. In the near future we have to face such problems as legality of celebration of same - sex marriage in our territory,civil status of same - sex marlage celebrated abroad when they are in our country ,petition for our recognition of foreign divorce judgements. It is necessary for us to study and borrow reliable PIL law experince from other jurisdictions.
作者 李良才
出处 《兰州学刊》 CSSCI 2010年第7期134-138,共5页
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目基金资助"海洋渔业资源养护与管理的法律问题研究"(批准号09YJC820018) 中国海洋发展研究中心重点项目资助"岛屿制度对南海划界影响研究"(AOCQN200905)
关键词 同性婚姻 成立与解除 管辖权 法律选择规范 判决承认 homosexual marriage establishment and dissolution jurisdiction choice - of - law rules recognition of decisions
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