2See Randy E·Barnett,Introduction:James Madison's Ninth Amendment,reprinted in Randy E·Barnett,ed.,The Bights Retained by the People:the history and meaning of the Ninth Amendment 35-36(George Mason University Press,1989).
3See Simeon C.R.Mclntosh,On Reading the Ninth Amendment:A Reply to Raoul Berger,reprinted in Randy E·Barnett,ed.,The Rights Retained by the People:the history and meaning of the Ninth Amendment 236-237,236,235-236,240-241(George Mason University Press,1989).
4See Christopher J.Schmidt,Revitalizing the Quiet Ninth Amendment:Determining Unenumerated Rights and Eliminating Substantive Due Process,32 U.Balt.L.Rev.169,170,192-194(Spring,2003).
5See Jeffrey D.Jackson,The Modalities of the Ninth Amendment:Ways of Thinking about Unenumerated Rights Inspired by Philip Bobbitt's Constitutional Fate,75 Miss.L.J.495,518(Winter,2006).
6See John Hart Ely,Democracy and Distrust 38-40(Harvard University Press,1980).
7See Marsh,Historical Interpretation and the History of Criticism,in Literary Criticism and Historical Understanding 4(Columbia University Press,P.Damon ed.,1967).
8See Randy E·Barnett,Introduction:James Madison's Ninth Amendment,reprinted in Randy E·Barnett,ed.,The Rights Retained by the People:the history and meaning of the Ninth Amendment 37(George Mason University Press,1989).
9See Michael W.McConnell,The Right to Die and the Jurisprudence of Tredition,1997 Utah L.Rev.665,682(1997).
10See Michael W.McConnell,Textualism and the Dead Hand of the Past,66 Geo.Wash.L.Rev.1127,1136(1998).