
日本托特螨的生物学特性 被引量:4

Biological Character of Tortonia sp.
摘要 日本托特螨(Tortonia sp.)是盗寄生性携播型螨类的一种。本研究通过室内人工饲养观察,对来源于日本的日本托特螨的形态特征进行了描述;并明确了此螨是营生于授粉昆虫——角额壁蜂(Osmia cornifrons(Radoszkowski))的巢筒育房中,属于盗寄生兼腐生性的螨类。在日本,此螨的年生活相有3相,以Ⅲ相中的幼螨、第1和第3若螨、成螨以及携播型第2若螨的虫态在壁蜂育房内过冬;成螨雌雄性比为1:1,无孤雌生殖,雌螨一生产卵量为(264.0±34.0)粒;各螨态在16~32℃温度条件下总发育历期为(52.1±5.5)~(14.7±2.0)d;此螨以寄主壁蜂贮存的食粮——花粉团和壁蜂的粪便为食料,26℃条件下取食这两种食料的发育历期虽有差异,但都能顺利生长发育并完成世代。本研究为日本托特螨的识别和防控提供了依据。 Tortonia sp.is one of the cleptoparasitic phoretic mites.The morphological character of TTortonia sp.that originates from Japan is described through artificial breeding espial indoor.It is confirmed that the Tortonia sp.parasitizes honeycomb of Osmia cornifron(Radoszkowski),which is one of the pollination insects and belongs to cleptoparasitic and saprophytic acarid.There are 3 phases in annual life phase of this acarid in Japan.Its overwintering phases are larva,protonymph and tritonymph,adult and phoretic deutonymph of phase Ⅲ.Sexual rate(female/male) is 1:1 and there is no parthenogenesis of adult.The fecundity of female mites is 264.0±34.0 grains.The total developmental duration is(52.1±5.5)~(14.7±2.0) d in 16~32℃.Pollens which are the food of Osmia and dejecta of Osmia are the food of Tortonia sp.The developmental duration of Tortonia sp.is different in 26℃ when it eats these two kinds of food,but the growth and generation of mites can be achieved.This study will make a great contribution to the identification as well as prevention and control of Tortonia sp..
出处 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期495-500,共6页 Genomics and Applied Biology
关键词 日本托特螨 生活相 生物学特性 盗寄生性 Tortonia sp. Life phase Biological character Cleptoparasitic
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