
基于数字签名的安全电子商务交易系统的实现方法 被引量:1

Method of Realizing Secure Electronic Transaction system in Network Based on Digital Signature
摘要 为了在一个不安全的计算机网络系统上实现安全的电子商务交易,本文给出了具有手写签字效果的网上安全电子商务交易系统的实现方法和方案,可保证网络上电子商务交易的保密性、完整性、不可抵赖性、鉴别即身份认证,并且能够防御重放攻击。实验结果表明该方法相当强大、安全、可靠且可用性强。 For realizing secure electronic transaction in non-secure computer network,the method of realizing secure electronic transaction system with the effect of signatures written by hand is developed in the paper. The confidentiality integrity、authenticity non-repudiation、authenticity of message can be ensured in the method against replay attacks. Experiment results shown that this method was very secure、confidential、useful and applicable.
出处 《华北科技学院学报》 2010年第2期89-93,共5页 Journal of North China Institute of Science and Technology
关键词 数字签名 安全电子商务交易 身份认证 重放攻击 Digital signature Secure electronic transaction Authentication Replay attacks
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