利用石河子c波段多普勒天气雷达资料,对2007年7月3日下午发生在石河子垦区南部山脉与平原交界区151团的冰雹等强对流风暴的多普勒雷达回波演变特征进行分析。结果表明:该强对流风暴具有超级单体风暴的典型特征,强风暴前进方向的右侧出现钩状回波,西北侧呈现出"V"型缺口;反射率因子垂直剖面呈现出弱回波区、回波悬垂和弱回波区左侧的回波墙,最大回波强度超过65 dB z,垂直累积液态水含量超过70 kg/m2;相应的径向速度图上出现中气旋。该超级单体的移动方向在盛行风向的右侧约30,°属于右移风暴。
Based on Doppler weather radar data and the conventional weather data,radar echo evolution of a hail happened in the afternoon on July 3,2007 in boundary zones(151 corps place) between the south mountain of Shihezi reclamation regions and the plain was analyzed.The results indicate that this strong convection storm has the typical characteristics of super cell storm.There is a hook echo on the right side of advancing direction of storm and a "V" gap on the northwest side of that.The vertical section of reflectivity factor exists weak echo region,echo overhang and echo wall.The echo wall is located in the left side of weak echo region.The maximum echo intensity reaches 65 dBz,and the vertically integrated liquid water contents are more than 70 kg/m2.Mesocyclone could be found on the corresponding radial velocity maps.The moving direction of this super cell storm is on the 30°right side of prevailing wind direction,and it belongs to rightward moving super cell storm.
Journal of Meteorology and Environment