目的:探讨促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotropin-releasing hormone,CRH)预测早产的价值。方法:放射免疫法测定足月、早产、双胎妊娠妇女母体血浆、脐血血浆CRH水平及早产治疗前后母体血浆CRH的变化。结果:(1)妊娠30周始母体血浆CRH水平明显升高,分娩时达最高峰,胎盘娩出后迅速下降(P<0.05);(2)经有效抗早产药物治疗,母体血浆CRH水平明显回落(P<0.05);(3)双胎妊娠妇女母体血浆CRH水平显著高于单胎妊娠妇女;(4)早产母体妊娠期血浆CRH水平显著高于先兆早产组(P<0.05),分娩时两者无明显差异(P>0.05);(5)脐静脉血浆CRH水平显著高于脐动脉血(P<0.05)。结论:(1)妊娠妇女母体血浆CRH水平与分娩启动有密切关系;(2)监测妊娠妇女血浆CRH水平的变化有望成为预测及判断早产疗效的可靠指标。
Objective:To study the value of corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH) in predicting preterm labor.Methods: The plasma CRH levels of term,preterm,threatened preterm,twin preterm pregnant women and in their umbilicus veins and arteries and of preterm women before and after anti-preterm therapy were measured by radioimmunology method.Results:(1)The plasma CRH level in normal pregnant rose from 30 weeks after pergnance,and reached the ultimate when labor,which declined rapidly after placenta discharging(P0.05).(2)After effective anti-preterm labor therapy,the plasma CRH level decline significantly(P0.05).(3)The plasma CRH levels of twin pregnant women are significantly higher than single pregnant.(4)The plasma CRH levels of preterm labor were significantly higher those that of threatened preterm labor during pregnant,whereas they had no significant difference when laboring(P0.05).(5)The plasma CRH level in umbilicus veins was significant higher than that in umbilicus arteries(P0.05).Conclusions:(1) The plasma CRH level of pregnant woman has close connective with the onset of labor.(2)The plasma CRH level is likely to be a reliable index in predicting preterm labor and judging therapy effects.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine